Posturology is a specialty of the body's mechanisms that focuses on the management of balance and its dysfunctions.
Yes, standing correctly is far from being obvious, it can be learned. Maintaining a standing position is a real neurophysiological feat for humans. It requires a lot of mechanisms to work at the same time, and if one of these mechanisms does not work properly, or even no longer works properly, the whole posture can be deregulated and put to a severe test.
The problem is that a bad posture, whatever its origin, is very costly in energy and it generates unaccommodating muscular pains such as muscle contractions and/or asymmetries. This is where posturology comes into play.
Posturology is a discipline that studies the human being and his or her position in its entirety: space, balance, stature, stability and poise. While taking into account the ability to remain in balance on his feet and the symmetry of the body by studying the functioning of the sensor factors: eyes, ears, sinuses, jaw, teeth, feet.
Posturology seems to be a recent practice, yet human posture has been studied since the dawn of time.
Our Physiotherapist Fiona is trained in orthoposturodontics by the Clauzade* method.
This method takes into consideration a major element which is the dentition. This in turn will have an important implication on the orientation of the jaw, the cranium, the gaze...and on the rest of the body.
During the session, Fiona will perform a postural assessment. This will be done using multiple measurement tests. If there is an imbalance or an asymmetry of the body, Fiona will recommend a given number of consultations in order to set up a treatment and will direct you towards the health professionals who will participate in your treatment (dentist, dental surgeon, podiatrist, ENT specialist, pneumologist, gastroenterologist...). Posturology is the multidisciplinary method that improves your chronic pain that medicine is unable to treat.